Mark jerome walters biography sampler
Mark jerome walters biography sampler youtube.
Mark jerome walters biography sampler
Walters, Mark Jerome 1952-
PERSONAL: Born December 24, 1952, in Melbourne, FL. Education:McGill University, B.A., 1976; Columbia University, M.S.J., 1977; Tufts University, D.V.M., 1993.
ADDRESSES: Office— University of South Florida, 140 7th Ave.
S., St. Petersburg, FL 33701. [email protected].
CAREER: Veterinarian. University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, affiliate.
AWARDS, HONORS: Independent Publisher Book Award, 2004, for Six Modern Plagues and How We Are Causing Them.
The Dance of Life: Courtship in the Animal Kingdom, Arbor House (New York, NY), 1988, published as Courtship in the Animal Kingdom, Doubleday (New York, NY), 1989.
A Shadow and a Song: The Struggle to Save an Endangered Species, Chelsea Green Publishing (Post Mills, VT), 1992.
Six Modern Plagues and How We Are Causing Them, Island Press (Washington, DC), 2003.
Seeking the Sacred Raven: Politics and Extinction on a Hawaiian Island, Island Press (Washington, DC),