James lull hegemony article

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    James lull hegemony article

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  • Hegemony: the predominant influence, as of a state, region, or group, over another or others. (American Heritage Dictionary)

    James Lull discusses the idea of hegemony in mass media, and says describes it as "the power or dominance that one social group holds over others." The media that we are consumed by everyday influences us in ways that we don't even realize.

    It forces us to follow and believe in certain ideologies that may or may not be appropriate. We believe that these ideologies we learn from media are good for us and normal, when in fact they may very well not be.

    When I was reading this article I thought of a commercial that was shown in movie theaters all over the country...


    When I watched this video my initial feeling was to join the army and defend my country.

    It was created in a way that would attract young people to want to join. It was shown in a movie theater where tons of young people folk to, it used popular music