Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper

  • Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper
  • Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper english

    Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper class 9.

    Early Life 
    Moulana Siddiq Ahmed wars born in approximately 1341 AH. in Hathora District Bandah. His ancestors had migrated from Mousil in Iraq to India.

    He was still very young when his father passed away. His mother made arrangements for him to travel to Kanpur to further his studies.

    Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper

  • Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper pdf
  • Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper class 9
  • Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper english
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  • For some reason or the other, he did not partake of the Madrasah food.
    For the first few days he survived on the food his mother had given him. However, the supply was exhausted after a few days. Thereafter Allâh Ta'âla provided an opportunity for him to earn a meal.

    One of his teachers asked him to run the errand of bringing some water daily from the municipal tap to his house. In exchange for this errand, he would provide him with some food.

    Qari siddiq band vi biography sample paper pdf

    For a whole year he survived in this manner on one meal only. In fact, later on, one of his colleagues from Bandah joined him. Now there were two of them partaking of the same ration. A third companion arrived but he could not endure such hardship and le