Peter the great biography timeline projects

  • Peter the great biography timeline projects
  • Peter the great death

    Peter the great biography for kids!

    Peter was born

    • Peter the Great, also known as Peter I, was born in Moscow, Russia. His father was Czar Alexis and his mother was Natalya Naryshkina.

      He was their fourteenth child. (Harcave)

    • Peter the Great was crowned with the title of the Tsar of Russia. He received the title at the young age of 10.

      Peter the great biography timeline projects for kids

      During this time, there were many struggles with different political forces within the country. Therefore, he was forced to rule with his brother Ivan. (Peter the Great: Peter 1)

    • A new charter by the English Government transformed Massachusetts.

      The new charter absorbed Plymouth Colony into Massachusetts. Also, a new requirement for voting in General Court elections was that you needed to be a property owner rather than a church member.

      Peter the great biography timeline projects

    • Peter the great biography timeline projects for kids
    • Peter the great biography for kids
    • Peter the great death
    • When was peter the great born
    • (Grun)

  • The Bank of England was founded in the year of 1694. It was founded to serve as the Government's banker and debt-manager. The Bank of England was not the first bank to be founded as Coutts was founded