Gus fink biography

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    The Weird and Wonderful World of Gus Fink

    Artist and filmmaker Gus Fink’s stylistic mixture of the creepy and the cute doesn’t bring to mind meditation and mindfulness at first. Frequent figures in his paintings are Tim Burton characters, hollow-eyed skeletons, and Alice in Wonderland-esque cartoon interpretations of horror movie icons.

    But if you look closer, the way that Fink balances the kitsch of childhood with the macabre and the gothic requires an artist with his own sense of inner balance.

    “My friends say everything about me’s pretty dark, but I’ve realized that everybody’s kinda both dark and light.

    People are afraid of showing their darkness or weirdness.”

    Fink is an avid practitioner of meditation, which he says has brought him to a number of realizations about life an art, and he’s able to speak eloquently about his belief in metaphysical systems beyond the observable world.

    “One time, a visualization of Aleister Crowley came to me,” he said, recalling one expe