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    Narnia for ever: the internet age demands a copyright rethink

    Francis Spufford has written a new Narnia novel: The Stone Table, set between the events of The Magician’s Nephew and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

    I’ve read it and it’s marvellous – unsurprisingly, since Spufford of one of the best writers working today. But you’ll have to take my word on that.

    Cs lewis biography new releases

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  • CS Lewis’s work remains in copyright, so unless Spufford can come to some agreement with Lewis’s estate the earliest he’d be able to publish it is

    I’m a writer myself, and appreciate the protection copyright law affords the small sums earned through my work.

    But how long after my death would it be right to maintain that protection? Back in , the US Congress agreed to extend US copyright in a bill sponsored by Sonny Bono. Bono’s original proposal was that copyright should exist in perpetuity (so that his heirs going down to the crack of doom would all collect royalties from I Got You Babe).

    Nice for his heirs, bad news f