Biography on kim jong il team

  • Biography on kim jong il team
  • Biography on kim jong il team

  • Biography on kim jong il team building
  • Kim jong-nam
  • Kim jong-il children
  • Kim jong un
  • Kim jong-nam...

    Chairman   Kim Jong Il  was  born  as the son  of  President  Kim Il Sung  and the  anti-Japanese  war  heroine Kim Jong Suk at the Paektusan Secret Camp on February 16,

    &#; Received general education from September to August

    &#; Attended Kim Il Sung University from September to March

    &#; Admitted to the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) on July 22,

    &#; Appointed an officer of the WPK Central Committee in June and successively held the posts of section chief, deputy department director and department director of the WPK CC.

    &#; Elected member of the WPK CC at the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Fifth WPK CC in October , and secretary of the WPK CC at the Seventh Plenary Meeting of the Fifth WPK CC in September

    &#; Elected member of the Political Committee of the WPK CC and acclaimed heir to President Kim Il Sung at the Eighth Plenary Meeting of the Fifth WPK CC in February

    &#; Electe