Biography of nightingale bird
Biography of nightingale florence.
Biography of nightingale bird
The nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos) is a small bird. It used to be put in the thrush family Turdidae. Now it is put on the Old World flycatchers, a group often called the chats or chat-thrushes.
Its resemblance to thrushes is an example of convergent evolution.
It is a migratoryinsectivorous species. It breeds in forests and scrubs in Europe and south-west Asia.
Biography of nightingale bird in ethiopia
The distribution is more southerly than the very closely related thrush nightingaleLuscinia luscinia. It nests on the ground in or next to dense bushes. It passes the winter southern Africa. Studies have shown that nightingales seem to choose places to breed that meet certain criteria (Wink ):
The Nightingale is slightly larger than the robin, at around cm length.
It is plain brown above except for the reddish tail. It is buff to white below.
Nightingale singing meaning
Sexes are similar.
Nightingales are named so because they frequently sing at night as well as during the day. The name has been used for well over 1, ye