Biography of emily dickinson poetic style

  • Biography of emily dickinson poetic style
  • Biography of emily dickinson poetic style

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  • A biography of emily dickinson poet!

    Emily Dickinson

    Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was an American Poet, now considered as a powerful and popular literary figure in American Culture. She is known for her innovative and proto-modernist poetic style.

    A Critic, Harold Bloom has placed her name in the list of major American poets.

    Her works are widely anthologized and she is a source of inspiration for artists today, especially those artists who are feminist-oriented.

    Emily Dickinson’s poetry falls in three periods:

    The poetry that has written before 1861 is conventional and sentimental in nature while the time between 1861 and 1865 is the most creative period when much of her creative work was written.

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    This was the period when she wrote on the themes of life and mortality.

    About two-third of Emily’s poetry was written after 1866.

    Emily Dickinson’s poetry is taught in literature classes in the United States in middle schools and colleges.

    Several schools are also established in her name. Few journals, such as The Emily