Biography of delbert oberteuffer
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Delbert Oberteuffer Edit Profile
Delbert Oberteuffer, American educator.
Biography of delbert oberteuffer
Recipient special honor award Society State Directors Health and Physical Education, 1953, Luther H. Gulick award, 1959.
Oberteuffer, Delbert was born on November 19, 1901 in Portland, Oregon, United States.
Son of William Gaul and Roberta (Fox) Oberteuffer.
Bachelor of Arts, Univercity Oregon, 1923. Master of Arts, Columbia, 1924, Doctor of Philosophy, 1930.
1 son, Theodore Kendall.
Biography of delbert oberteuffer and wife
Instructor, assistant professor of University Oregon, 1924-1928. Instructor summer sessions Columbia, 1925-1930.
Supervisor physical education and health education State of Ohio, 1929-1932.
Professor physical education Ohio State University, 1932-1966, professor emeritus, department chairman physical education for men, 1933-1957.
Delbert Oberteuffer has been listed as a noteworthy educator.
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