Raden ajeng kartini tagalog
Raden ajeng kartini tagalog version
Biografi raden ajeng kartini.
Raden Adjeng Kartini
Who Was Raden Adjeng Kartini?
Raden Adjeng Kartini opened the first Indonesian primary school for native girls that did not discriminate based on social standing in 1903.
She corresponded with Dutch colonial officials to further the cause of Javanese women's emancipation up until her death, on September 17, 1904, in Rembang Regency, Java. In 1911, her letters were published.
Early Years
Kartini was born to a noble family on April 21, 1879, in the village of Mayong, Java, Indonesia.
Kartini's mother, Ngasirah, was the daughter of a religious scholar.
Raden ajeng kartini tagalog
Her father, Sosroningrat, was a Javanese aristocrat working for the Dutch colonial government. This afforded Kartini the opportunity to go to a Dutch school, at the age of 6. The school opened her eyes to Western ideals. During this time, Kartini also took sewing lessons from another regent's wife, Mrs.
Marie Ovink-Soer. Ovink-Soer imparted her feminist views to Kartini, and was therefore instrum