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    Restoring Peace in Family Systems in Communities of Color

    As a therapist of 13 years with a private practice serving primarily people of color, I became aware of a third, unspoken, pandemic that swept across our community during the COVID-19 lockdown; the conflict pandemic among families.

    With many families sharing close quarters with no respite for 24 hours a day, it became clear that the extended time together combined with the inability to leave, limited communication skills, and still-emerging psychological and conflict literacy taxed their bio-psycho-socio-emotional reservoirs, and sadly, in some cases, resulted in emotional and physical violence.

    As overwhelming as it was to work through the pandemic as a clinician, I imagine that it pales in comparison to having to learn how to navigate chaotic emotional terrain without the appropriate knowledge or skills.

    Neck deep in this experience with clients, I sought an intervention that could help them scale the learning curve—and