Complete works of abraham lincoln online biography

  • Complete works of abraham lincoln online biography
  • Where did abraham lincoln grow up...

    Complete works of abraham lincoln online biography

  • Complete works of abraham lincoln online biography
  • Collected works of abraham lincoln
  • Where did abraham lincoln grow up
  • Short biography of abraham lincoln pdf
  • Autobiography of abraham lincoln
  • The Papers of Abraham Lincoln

    The Papers of Abraham Lincoln is a documentary editing project dedicated to identifying, imaging, transcribing, annotating, and publishing online all documents written by or to Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime (1809–1865).[1]


    Abraham Lincoln's papers

    Abraham Lincoln is one of America's most famous politicians and is consistently ranked as one of the greatest presidents ever to occupy the White House.

    Any scholarly study of his life is reliant on his written words to understand his thoughts, motives, and actions. After his father's death, Robert Todd Lincoln gathered a large collection of papers and entrusted their organization to David Davis, who was assisted by Lincoln's private secretaries John G.

    Nicolay and John Hay. Nicolay and Hay subsequently drew upon these nearly 20,000 documents to write their ten-volume Lincoln biography published in 1890. Robert Lincoln deposited this collection of papers at the Library o