Khwaja abdullah ansari poems about family
Khwaja abdullah ansari poems about family
Short poems about family.
Give Me
by Khwaja Abdullah AnsariEnglish version by Andrew Harvey
Original Language Persian/Farsi
O Lord, give me a heart
I can pour out in thanksgiving.
Give me life
So I can spend it
Working for the salvation of the world.
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/ Image by Cristian Bernal /
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Commentary by Ivan M.
Something for us today as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, a contemplation of heart and service and true thanksgiving.
There is something so simple and profound... and universal in this prayer-poem.
These words were given to us by a devout Muslim Sufi, but they could as well have been spoken by a Hindu satyagrahi, a Catholic liberation theologian, a Buddhist peace worker, a Protestant homeless advocate, or any sincere soul striving to awaken the Divine within themself and the world.
Notice that Sheikh Ansari gives us two parallel statements, and th